  /  Performance overview / Description of transport market in Russia in 2013 / Transport sector in Russia

Transport sector in Russia

In 2013 the position of rail transport deteriorated in both the freight and passenger transport sectors.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, freight turnover in Russia increased by 0.5% in 2013 and amounted to 5,083.4 billion tonne-kilometres. An increase in freight transport volumes was caused by an increase in the pipeline (+2.4%) and an increase in motor transport sectors (+0.4%). Turnover decreased for the other types of transport.

Freight turnover of railway transport, excluding the mileage of empty cars belonging to other owners, amounted to 2,196.2 billion tonne-kilometres in 2013, 1.2% lower than 2012.

The share of railway transport in the turnover structure of the transport system of the country decreased by 0.8 percentage points, to 43.2%. Excluding pipeline transport, the indicator remained at the 2011 and 2012 level of 85.4%.

Freight turnover
in Russia in 2013
bn tonne-kilometres 0.5% growth to 2012
Tariff railway freight turnover
in Russia in 2013
bn tonne-kilometres 1.2% decrease from 2012

Freight turnover dynamics by transport type in 2013, % to previous year

In Russia, public transport passenger turnover increased by 4.1% in 2013 and amounted to 484.5 billion passenger-kilometres. This growth was due to an increase in air passenger turnover of 15.5% by year-end (up to 226.1 billion passenger-kilometres). The positive dynamics of the volume of air passenger turnover is connected with the willingness of airlines to implement a flexible pricing policy as well as with current state policy aimed at ensuring the affordability of this type of transport.

Passenger rail transport in 2013 decreased by 4.2%, to 138.5 billion passenger-­kilometres, while motor transport decreased by 4.1%, to 119.3 billion passenger-kilometres.

Passenger turnover transport in Russia in 2013

bn passenger - kilometres

Passenger turnover using railway transport in Russia in 2013

bn passenger - kilometres

Share of railway transport in passenger traffic in Russia in 2013


Railway transport share in freight turnover in the Russian Federation in 2013


Air transport dominates in overall passenger turnover structure, and its share in recent years has been steadily increasing. In 2013 its share increased by 5.4 percentage points (up to 46.7%) while the shares of railway transport decreased by 1.9 percentage points and 3.5 percentage points, respectively.

Freight turnover structure by type of transport,%

* Share of railway transport in the freight turnover structure of the country excluding pipeline transport

Passenger turnover structure by type of public transport,%