  /  Company overview / Organisational structure of Russian Railways

Organisational structure of Russian Railways

Russian Railways organisational structure at 31 December 2013

Russian Railways
Executive Management Office
Other divisions of Executive Management Office
Structural Divisions of Russian Railways
Russian Railways Branches
Railways (16 railways)
Transportation branches (1 branch)
Technical, economic and financial security (6 branches)
Capital construction branches (2 branches)
Rolling stock repair and maintenance branches (5 branches)
Track facilities branches (4 branches)
Information and communication branches (3 branches)
Social programmes branches (1 branch)
Project offices (10 branches)
Other branches (15 branches)
Russian Railways
representative offices
Representative office in Belarus (Minsk)
Representative office in Hungary (Budapest)
Representative office in Germany (Berlin)
Representative office in China (Beijing)
Representative office in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Pyohgyang)
Representative office in Poland (Warsaw)
Representative office in Slovakia (Bratislava)
Representative office in Ukraine (Kiev)
Representative office in Finland (Helsinki)
Representative office in France (Paris)
Representative office in Estonia (Tallinn)