  /  Performance overview / Innovations and technological development / Increasing energy efficiency

Increasing energy efficiency

In 2013 within the framework of implementing the Energy Saving Program and increasing energy efficiency of Russian Railways 1,930 structural affiliates and 16 railways took relevant actions. In general the Company saved fuel and energy resources for traction and non-traction needs in the sum of more than RUB 2.3 bn.

These measures helped to reduce production power capacity by 1.4%. It amounted to 77.3 kg of fuel equivalent/10 thous. net tonne-km.

The Energy Saving Program and higher energy efficiency helped to save fuel and energy resources in the amount of 25.8 thous. tons of reference fuel of the value of 217.2 million roubles including: electric power of 73.96 million kWh. The total value of RUB 204.5 million includes 26.1 tonnes of diesel fuel worth RUB 919.2 thous., 117.7 tonnes of patrol worth RUB 4.4 million, 4813.8 Gcal of heat energy worth RUB 7.4 million and coal worth RUB 7.2 thous.

Given the authorization of the Government of the Russian Federation for the extended use of gas as engine fuel the Company and OJSC Rosneft and OJSC Gazprom signed Memorandums in which they determined areas of their cooperation during joint implementation of projects to use gas for railway transport and reduce negative impact on the environment.

In 2013 within the framework of implementing the investment project “Introducing Energy Saving Railway Technologies” the Company spent RUB 2.34 billion.

Dynamics of change of the energy intensity of Russia's GDP and separate branches,%