  /  Performance overview / Freight services / Freight turnover

Freight turnover

In 2013, railway freight turnover excluding the empty run of other owner’s railcars decreased by 1.2% and amounted to 2,196.2 billion tonne-kilometres. This slowdown is mainly attributed to reduced volumes in domestic traffic (-2.2%) rather than to the reduction in international traffic (-0.3%). The structure of freight turnover during the period also changed, with domestic traffic decreasing from 44.2% to 43.7% while international traffic (export, import and transit) increased from 55.7% to 56.3%.

Total freight turnover (including the empty run of other owner’s railcars) increased by 1.1% in 2013 and totalled 2,813.1 billion tonne-kilometres.

Railway freight turnover totalled

bn tonne-kilometres (excluding the empty run of other owner’s railcars)
in 2013
Russian Railways share of international traffic in the freight turnover structure (export, import and transit) was
representing an increase of 1.5% in international traffic compared to 2012.

Freight turnover excluding the empty run of other owner’s railcars, bn tonne-kilometres

Freight turnover inclug tdinhe empty run of other owner’s railcars, bn tonne-kilometres

Freight turnover structure excluding the empty run of other owner’s railcars,%