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Personnel motivation system development

Personnel motivation system development
The Company is performing constant and targeted work aimed at improve personnel salaries and its motivation system.

Staff receive a bonus for implementing transport safaty control. In 2013, based on work results in 2012, over 107 thousand employees of leading positions and professions, who were directly providing safe operations, were rewarded.

Subsidiaries actively apply various types of additional motivation. For instance, employees introducing technologies of lean production that save fuel and energy resources receive a 50% bonus of the declared project benefit and the costs of the saved resources respectively.

In addition, the Company is developing a system of personnel motivation via corporate awards, as well as singling out its employees for national and departmental rewards on a regular basis. In 2013, the Company recognised 10,381 employee and people, who are not employed by Russian Railways directly, but who made a valuable contribution to its development, with all types of rewards.